Signs That Your Ex-boyfriend Still Wants You

There can still be a lot of questions of what your future’s going to be if you are still in contact with your ex boyfriend. He may ask you to give him space or tell you that you two are better off as friends. It’s practically very hard to judge of him of how he really feels when you hear these things from him. This becomes much harder to deal with especially if you still have strong feelings for him.

You need to be aware of the signs that your ex boyfriend still loves you if you want him back. This allows you to gather some thoughts of whether he’s willing to build a relationship with you again or not. It’s a good sign if a couple of your family or friends tell you that he keeps asking about you. In most cases, people move on with their separate lives after a relationship has ended. If your ex boyfriend keeps on asking your family or friends, then it means that he’s still concerned about you. You don’t have to respond too much on this.

Just be mutual about this. Find out if he’s the first one doing the inquiring by asking a friend put up a conversation with him. If your ex boyfriend seems truthfully sorry for anything he’s done wrong, then this is a clear sign that he still loves you. He’ll try to make things right again by his actions if he’s reason why you broke up. If he shows respect towards you and changed for the better, then he’s showing how much you meant for him. If your ex still loves you, he would do things the right way for you to give him a second chance.

Also, he would be thinking about the future for the two of you and how wonderful it would be. There are things that you could do if you can still see the love in the man that you have broken up with. Steps such as understanding, allowing space and time to think and not being too emotional are possible ways towards a second chance. It would be a lot easier if the person we loved still showed affection to us even if your relationship has ended already.