How To Prevent From Getting a Divorce

A lot of divorce cases have been filed for the past couple of years. In a recent article, statistic shows that divorce rates in America alone are terrible: it peaked to 33% every year. How bad is that? To avoid being an added statistic value, learn how to prevent from getting a divorce. It’s a nasty issue… and you might even regret doing it later on.

Every marriage doesn’t have to be perfect. Of course, every married couple must undergo the ups and downs. And any failed marriage doesn’t have to lead to a divorce. By following some helpful things, you will never have to worry about being counted as one of the divorcees.

Here are five ways on how to prevent from getting a divorce:

Connect with your spouse.

There are times when the spark is gone during your marriage life. To keep that spark alive, communicate with your spouse. Set a time where both of you can spend time with each other and talk out your problems and other matters. Make sure that you both your quality time is not interrupted. Other ways that you can connect is to do some activity where both of you can enjoy and relax. And if you have kids, give time to your kids first and then set a time frame for a communication once you’re done spending time with your kids. Communication provides a perfect outlet for both of you to express your doubts, thoughts, and feelings.

Respect your spouse’s "personal" rule and space.

Although both of you make decisions together, but always keep in mind that your spouse also wants his or her own time. Also, both of you have your own way of conveying emotions and feelings; and both wishes to be treated in a way that will please them. It all comes down to respecting and acknowledging each other’s style of showing emotions.

Compliment and appreciate each other.

Make each other feel good through those compliments and simple thoughts. These matter especially in a marriage. To keep both you and your spouse from getting a divorce, use those sparks where both of you were not married yet. Think of the things that make your spouse smile when you do something for him or her. Show your spouse that you care through your words and actions.

Trust each other.

This might be a little harder since both of you are not together every minute and every second of the day. Keep in mind that you both of you made your vows in the eyes of God, to the church, and to those who witnessed your wedding. Don’t let them down. Don’t do things that will hamper your relationship with your spouse.

Pamper and love yourself.

One factor why married couples go through divorce is because they can’t stand looking at each other anymore. If that’s the case, then don’t let this happen to you. Being married doesn’t mean that you’ll neglect your beauty. Take time to pamper yourself and be confident. Maintain your marriage and keep that "spark" alive. Groom yourself and appear attractive to your spouse. You’ll never know, even after forty years, your spouse will show you off to his or her friends.

It takes a lot to make a marriage work. To avoid from letting a divorce happen to your family, love your husband and your family, always.